A First-Principles-Driven Life
15 Feb 2025

About Me


Hi, I'm Miao, an active advocate of liberty, free thinker, free and open-source software enthusiast, avid golfer, and native Chinese living in Estonia.

Having formal computer science education from Nanjing Southeast University, I worked professionally in Skype/Microsoft/Twilio as senior software engineers. Years after leaving these corporate lives to pursue entrepreneurship, in 2020, I co-founded Superfluid Finance, where I am currently promoting the idea of semantic money.

While in the university, I wrote in Chinese technical blogs (ChinaUnix, CSDN.NET) under the nickname "hellwolf," which I still use.

Recently, and I have re-kindled my interest in writing, focusing on the idea of the first-principles-driven approach to life. I believe if more people take first principles seriously, we will have a better world to live in. With the new mission in mind, I will use this space to host all my old and new writings.

Comments in the posts are open, and you may also get in touch with me via zhicheng \(\cdot\) miao \(\alpha\tau\) gmail \(\cdot\) com or LinkedIn.

My Motto

Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.

Do not give in to evil, but proceed ever more boldly against it.

– Motto used by Ludwig von Mises', too.

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.

– 2 Timothy 4:7-8

Creative Commons License
A First-Principles-Driven Life by Miao, ZhiCheng is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.